
Your Self Consciousness

Posted by Rani Barn - January 31, 2023

What is reality?  

There is the physical world we live in and which we perceive through our 5 senses.  What I perceived through my 5 senses was real to me and believed that was the absolute truth.  There is the reality outside, seen by our eyes, and there is reality that is beyond our 5 senses.  

So now I believe the physical world as perceived by my  5 senses is a very limited version of reality.    As we live more consciously and live from our state of awareness, we see more and know more.

What I say here is what I know to be the truth.  We are part of something infinite and life will always be a mystery to a certain degree.  What I say here works for me and may not feel right to other people.

For me, it started with questioning my beliefs because they didn't make any sense to me and were not working in my favour.  For example, now I might ask myself, "Is this true?"  challenging situations provoked me to question my experience of reality.  


There is everything outside the eyes (physical world) and on the other side of the eyes is what I call underworld (invisible).  What's here is:


There's a spectrum of emotions we all feel.   Some feel good and some not so much.  Eckhart Tollee, author of "New Earth", says we have "painbody".  Painbody is like an entity of negative emotions within you and it's part of your Ego.  He says if these negative emotions are not recognized and you don't face them they continue to live with in you  and are troublesome .  You can find a way that works best for you on  how to deal with the painbody (negative emotions).  Basically when it's active within you, recognize that it is, and then feel  the uncomfortable sensation in your body without attaching negative thought/stories  to the negative emotions     Be as much present as you can. 

Eckhart Tollee also says that if the negative emotions are not processed they will be expressed through anger, eating too much, or illness.

As you spend time in the underworld, your awareness starts to expand. When you start to question your beliefs for example, you realize what was upsetting you may not even be true. You can then let go of thoughts/beliefs that were not true and did not serve any purpose. Having awareness of what you are thinking is a good starting point. The emotions can tell you somethings about yourself. If you feel hurt it could be rejection or feeling of not good enough......for example.  



Emotions and thinking go together.  The stories and thoughts in your mind affect the emotions. If you can change your thoughts you can change your perception of reality and then emotion

Love and compassion

Here in the underworld,  you might ask yourself who are you? Or what is love. You might become curious about your thoughts and where they come from.

You might start to notice when you feel hurt and the stories/voice in your mind that plays stories that are personal to you and you really believe them to be true.

You might ask yourself how come you can't stop that voice in your head and change negative feelings especially when you know it's not true.

Most importantly, as your awareness, you become present and kind of like a "watcher" of your emotions and thoughts rather than a being that is defined by emotions, thoughts, your roles in life (ie. mother, wife, daughter), race, culture, etc.

  As you spend more time in the Underworld, you expand your awareness, you might become more sensitive to your feelings, connect more with nature, feel more compassion, gain more intuition, and feel your own presence in your body.  It's possible you might start to notice more in your environment   such as synchronicities, numbers,  etc.    

I think, but I am not sure, that as you connect with yourself this way, you are affecting your outerworld and in a way co-creating your life.  You might notice your relationships change,  things you wanted show up.  They don't have to be big things.  One day I was thinking I really want a pie today.  I am not kidding you on that same day, my tenant shows up at my door holding a pie. These were happening before but now I notice the relationship between my thinking/feeling and outside world.  


 Curiosity about everything can help you see more of yourself and others. You might wonder why things happen the way they do.  you might ask yourself "why am i thinking negative thoughts all morning about that person, then that person, and this person. Why yesterday I was not thinking this way. Why do I see repetitive numbers like 88 or I keep seeing butterflies. You might say does it mean something.  I also think we have our own personal  For example one day I was sitting outside a grocery store waiting for a family member to come and pick me up. While I was sitting there I was thinking about something someone had done in the past....I was complaining in my mind. Then someone walks out of the store wearing a T shirt that said "that was then and this is now".  To me this was not coincidence because it stopped the negative chatting going on in my mind. Previously I would not have noticed it. I think maybe we receive what we are ready for.  

Also in the underworld are your fears, desires, dreams, passion, intuition.   When you live more consciously, you learn so much about yourself and expand your awareness.

Who you are.

 In the underworld,  you cultivate  a sense of who you are.  This is your authentic power.  When you are in your authentic power you are not affected by other people's behaviour, what job status you have or don't have, what kind of car you drive or house you live in.  These things are external power that can be taken from you or lost and when you don't have it you feel less and therefore hurt because your power leaves you.  This is explained by Gary Zukav, in his book "seat of the soul".  As you live more consciously your awareness expands.  

Everything is energy

Physical world is energy and everything in the underworld is energy. Your body, thoughts, feelings/emotions, and your spirit  is all energy.

When you are aligned with your authentic self/spirit you are at a higher frequency. I believe that your thoughts, feelings, and what happens in your life is a match to your vibration. For example, you might notice that if you change your thoughts you can change your feelings and your life experiences. Mind you it doesn't happen instantaneously. Wayne Dyer, author, has said that "Change your thoughts about what you look at and the things you look at will change".