Opinion: How to be in Peace and Joy

What does Peace mean to you? To me peace is calmness of mind, when it's not disturbed and there is no "static" or buzzing in my mind. I am free of negative emotions like hurt, anger, judgement of self and others, worry of what could happen or will not happen, etc.
My mind is free of thinking/stories that play incessantly. Usually it's negative thoughts and emotions. When I am in peace I notice more "feel-good" things like sunsets and nature. I am more in the present moment.
What is Joy?
Difficult to describe but it's a feeling. I think the feeling of joy is there is always sunshine. Just like the sunshine is always there behind the clouds, your negative emotions are like the clouds. When the negative emotions are processed and they dissipate the joy you feel.
So how do you process the negative emotions?
First, you become aware that you feel this way and aware of what you have been thinking. Here are some ideas:
- self talk. You can say something like: I probably will not feel this way tomorrow, or in 2 days, nothing stays the same, change is inevitable, can i let this go?, maybe there is another way to think about this situation,
- go for a run
- accept what is. You can't fight reality.
-allow yourself to feel what you do and observe the sensations in your body and be present.
By doing this intentionally you change your mind which means the way you think. Then your emotions change from negative to positive. It is possible how you see the situation or other people also changes. Wayne Dyer, author, said that when you change the way you think about what you see then what you see changes.
It also helps to realize that what happens in the world does not have to affect your inner world ( your thoughts, emotions and your energy). Possibly, just having this intention will motivate you to change your thoughts. When you can do this, you realize this gives you power over your well being and I don't think reacting in anger and "pissedoffness" is powerful. It's also not healthy to avoid dealing with your feelings. it's my opinion that when you change the way you think and feel you change your energy.
This is not easy and maybe for most people you don't learn to be in peace and joy all the time. Because this is life, and life happens and we are a work in progress.